Showing 1155 results

Authority record
Frend, William Hugh Clifford
GB 2198 000706

(1916 - ) Theologian. Admitted Caius as Bye-Fellow, 1952; Fellow, 1956. University Lecturer in Divinity,1956; Junior Proctor, 1957-8. Professor of Ecclesiastical History, University of Glasgow, 1969; Dean of Divinity, University of Glasgow, 1969-84. Dean's Vicar.

Friends of Croxley Barn
GB 2198 000386 · Corporate body

The Great Barn at Croxley, Herts., was built during the Abbacy of John Moote of St Albans Abbey (1396-1401). The barn was sold in 1972 by Gonville & Caius College to Herts. County Council.

Gallop, Edward Gurner
GB 2198 000405

(1862-1936) Mathematician. Elected Fellow, 1889-1936. Tutor, 1903-09; Registrary, 1900-04; Steward and Bursar.

Garbett, Keith
GB 2198 000811

Architect, Cambridge.

GB 2198 000106 · Person · 1872-1946

(1872-1946) Zoologist and oceanographer. Admitted Gonville and Caius College Cambridge, 1891. BA, 1895; MA, 1898. Elected Drosier Fellow, 1898; Corporate fellow, 1903; Dean, 1903-9. Senior Proctor, University of Cambridge, 1907; University lecturer in Zoology, 1909; Professor of Zoology, 1909-37. FRS.

(For further biographical information see obituary in The Caian, 1945-6)

Garstang, Roy Henry
GB 2198 000716

(1925- ) Astronomer and Astrophysicist. Admitted Caius, 1943; Scholar, 1943-49.