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Conveyance, 25 February 1843, of hereditaments in Free School and Pembroke Lanes (ancient school room with usher's lodging rooms occupied by the University for the Fitzwilliam Musuem, the Master's lodging rooms, new school house etc, described in lease of 20th April 1621) from Henry William Ravenscroft to Caius College, for the charitable purposes to which the same are subject under the Will of Dr Perse;

bundle of notes, receipts, correspondence and memorandums of agreements, 1843 to 1898 (comprising: agreement to let John Hatt fence part of a close at Newnham, 1843; notes made on Henry Turner; Charity Commission documents re Perse School;

Draft memorandum of agreement re light and air between Caius College and the Governors of the Perse School 1897, together with an agreement made with Arthur Charles Wilkinson re 144 High Street Putney [used as a template?];

Letters re establishment of Perse almshouses at Newnham 1884